I’m struggling right now to follow through with a goal I chose just a few days ago.
I was careful to not choose something too unrealistic. Nevertheless, I am still struggling.
I, however, have learned a thing or two that help me to push through.
I want to share with you, right now, one of those tips.
And while there are times where you set goals or decide to do something and you just struggle to follow through(it happens to all of us), hopefully this strategy can help you to get through anyway.
Think about it this way…
If you had planned something with your best friend and then at the last minute, you cancelled on her, how would that go? Especially if you bailed because you didn’t feel like it, or because it felt too hard or you were too tired?
First off, would you ever even consider doing that to her??
And second, if you did do it, what kind of relationship would that create?
Would it create a relationship of love? Of respect? Or one of trust?
Certainly not. She probably would easily forgive you the first time it happened.
But the second time it occurred, it would possibly taint your friendship, just a teeny tiny bit.
And then when the third or fourth time happened, it would hurt your relationship.
How strong of a relationship would you have?
YOUR relationship with yourself is NO different.
You are even more important than your best friend.
Your relationship with yourself matters.
Sometimes you just don’t follow through, for whatever reason.
You may not think much of it but the truth is, it hurts you.
Every time you don’t follow through, you begin to doubt yourself and your capabilities—to not trust yourself as much. And every time is stresses your relationship with yourself a little bit more.
You struggle to do what you tell yourself that you are going to do.
You don’t keep your commitments or goals with yourself.
You convince yourself it is okay to wait until tomorrow, or just do it next time, etc.
This is familiar to many women and moms.
I used to do it a lot, myself.
But if you start small and help yourself accomplish the little decisions and smaller goals, you begin to trust yourself.
You begin to see yourself as reliable, capable, committed.
You strengthen your relationship with yourself!
It is 10:30pm, way past my bedtime, but I am finishing this up right now, because I said I would do this today. I am honoring that commitment. I am staying trustworthy to myself.
Is it hard? YES!
But even as tired and uncomfortable as I am, it is worth it.
Because I believe in me.
I believe that I can do this and that I am important enough–I matter enough–to keep my word.
You can build and gradually increase and improve your relationship with yourself.
You can believe in yourself, too.
Start small.
Keep those commitments.
Follow through.
And watch your relationship with yourself strengthen and your joy increase!