Month: May 2021

What Happened While it Was Raining

It’s springtime in the Pacific Northwest and that means it is finally Soccer Season.  What that also means is a lot of soaking wet kids, coaches, and parents at many windy, wet practices and games.

Today, as we drove up to practice the energy in the car was electric.  My boys were excited- it was the first practice of the season where it was raining (which is rare here!). Five minutes into practice the clouds relaxed and let it all out, drenching the kids in 3 minutes.

Even from sitting in the car, the laughter, energy, and joy there was hard to ignore.  Many kids threw off their coats and ran around playing in their short sleeve shirts. My 8 year old begged to go join them so I let him go.

As I watched them, I thought about perspectives. There are what seem like, an infinite number of perspectives on everything in our lives.  It fascinates me that what some may find as exhilarating, others may find depressing. The rain is a perfect example of that.

Rain comes a lot here in the Pacific NW.  Many people here deal with depression due to the high percentage of overcast and rainy days.  When we moved here, my in-laws, knowing that I grew up in sunny southern California, were concerned for my health. 

However, overcast days, and especially rainy days, bring a feeling of happiness to me that is hard to describe. The clouds and rain fill my heart and refresh my soul.  A good walk or run in the rain can do wonders for me.  Breathing in the fresh, clean scent of the rain brings a smile to my face every time.

But how?!  How can that possibly be?? If rain and overcast skies cause so much depression, how can it have such a polar opposite effect on others?

I find it fascinating.

My friends, that is possible because what we choose to think about the rain is what creates the reality of it for each of us individually…

Again, what we choose to think about the rain is what creates the reality of it for each of us individually.

If it’s a choice, why do we choose to focus so much on the negative things?

What if, instead, we embraced it?

OR if embracing it is too uncomfortable, what if we just searched for something good in it?

There is light that can come, even among what we may consider negative situations or circumstances. 

I think it’s important to recognize that we don’t need to always change our perspective.  But what would it be like if we took the time to try to see other perspectives?

What kind of opportunities would it open up for us if we took the time to find what small things may be good about what we see as negative?

Maybe those rainy days in our lives would become just a little less dark.
Maybe we could see that there are other opportunities for us.
Maybe we could notice those rainy days as ones to take better care of ourselves.
Maybe we could see that the rain can cleanse us.
Maybe we would see that the rain promotes growth.

While I don’t know exactly what you might see, I do know you could see new things. New perspectives. New possibilities.

Give it a try.

You don’t need to change. You don’t need to love the rain. 

But just take a moment to look up. Take a moment to look around.

What good can you can see in your life while it is raining?

You Can Become Who You Want

The other day, as I stood watering my raspberry plants, I noticed how stark of a difference there was between the plants. Many of my raspberry plants are stunted.  They are in pots of varying sizes which have limited their resources for nutrients, their space for growth, and their depth for solid and strong roots. My raspberry plants are only 6-8 inches tall and produce about 5 berries each, while the plants that grew in the ground are 5 feet tall with many berries. The contrast of sizes and production of fruit is striking. These stunted raspberries are alive, healthy and doing what they can but they aren’t reaching their potential.

As I noticed this, I saw myself.  I saw us.

We, like these raspberry plants, are planted in places that can either limit our growth, or encourage it. But we have even more control than we realize.  While I have chosen where to plant my raspberries, we choose where to plant ourselves.

Do we plant ourselves in a small, medium or large pot? Or no pot at all?

We make that choice.

We choose how we think about ourselves.

We choose if we are capable or not.

We choose what to feed ourselves physically, mentally & emotionally.
Why do we “plant” ourselves in the different sizes of pots, or in any pots at all? Why do we hold ourselves back? Why don’t we step outside of our comfort zone? Why is it that we need assurance of results before working towards a goal?

Do we tell ourselves that it is safer that way? Or better for us? Do we convince ourselves it is only temporary?

Take a moment to think about it.

What would it be like if you chose to believe in yourself?  Imagine the freedom.  Imagine the growth.  Imagine the joy that would come from giving yourself space to be YOU.

You could become who you dream of becoming.

Wouldn’t that feel amazing?

The only limits that exist are the ones you set for yourself.

You are amazing and have something to offer the world. You are uniquely you and with that, you have a light only you can share. The good news is that only you can stop you.

So what are you going to choose for yourself?