Month: December 2021

Anger is what?

Anger is a secondary emotion.
It is also used as a tool.
Anger is used to send a message.

We often refer to these moments in ways such as “losing it” or “snapping.”
What actually is happening is that you get to a point where you feel the need to deliver a message-
And that message is URGENT and CRITICAL!
You may not even be aware of the reasons for that urgency and importance.
But you feel it.
And you react.

I’ve been there. 
I know how it feels.
I actually did this yesterday…
And the ironic part is, that I yelled at my son “Stop yelling at me!”

I had been calm and he was not and my brain said “DO SOMETHING NOW!.”
I reacted. 
I felt the urgency to make sure he knew that I didn’t want to be yelled at.
But afterwards I realized how ridiculous it was to yell at someone to stop yelling at you.

Anger is a secondary emotion.
This means there is always another emotion you’ll feel first.
Last night, after my spat with my son I realized I was not angry.

I felt sad.

I knew my son was hurting.
He wanted me to understand what he was saying and I was trying SO hard but not getting it. 
He thought I wasn’t even trying.  He was hurt because he thought that I didn’t care.

And as I got frustrated and angry- he felt less loved.

So being aware of that feeling building up inside- the urgency- is key!
It is possible to feel that urgency but to ignore it and deliver a message without the anger.
You can use your words in a much more effective & kind way to deliver the same message.

And your successes will increase.
You will be more of the person you want to be.

You will become more like the ideal you.
Step by step.

The tools I have learned will help you change this.
I am not perfect but I used to lose my cool. A lot.
I felt so helpless and out of control.
I didn’t know how to stop it.

But now- I am aware.
And I have tools that help me.
I have become so much better at communicating without the anger.

I can help you do the same.

Message me if you want to learn more.
We’ll set you up to talk with me and see if I’m a good fit for you.

It’s a free call- There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain.